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JRCALC 2024 January Updates (Part 3 Of 3)

26 Jan 2024

Make sure you are up to date with all the new JRCLAC updates! You can view these new updates in more detail on the JRCALC app.

By making sure you are aware of the new updates enables you to deliver up to date clinical practice and stay within your scope of practice.

The changes in the JRCALC 2024 January update are:

Maternity care guidelines improved focussing on bleeding during pregnancy up to and after 20 weeks gestation and management of Post Partum Haemorrhage.

NARU updated major incident section to include ten second triage and new major incident triage tool.

Update to Pulmonary Embolism guidelines to use of Wells core and the use of same day emergency care (SDEC) pathway.

Add of ‘adrenaline’ to the ALS hypothermia guidelines.

Changes in cardiac rhythm disturbance guidelines to include a bradycardia algorithm, fist pacing removed and emphasis on taking a defibrillator to any patient with suspected cardiac rhythm disturbance.

Guidelines for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator changes with DNACPR and ReSPECT wording amended.